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1st Birchington Air Scout Group

Trustee Board

Current charity trustees:

Group Lead Volunteer - Bob Kingsman

Deputy Group Lead Volunteer - Richard Phillpott

Executive Committee Chair - vacant

Treasurer -  Samantha Stanton

Secretary - Samantha David

Scout Leader - Jon Jackson Bomber

Cub Scout Leader - Daniel Le Corney (acting) Rama

Beaver Scout Leader - Brigette Watson  Birch

About the Trustee Board

Our responsibilities include ensuring the Scout Hall and equipment are adequately maintained, supporting the work of the uniformed leaders and ensuring the Group is governed according to the requirements specified by The Scout Association and The Charity Commission.

We hold several meetings a year, in addition to the Annual General Meeting which is open to all parents of members of 1st Birchington Air Scout Group.

All trustees are elected annually at the AGM, except for the Group Lead Volunteer, who is an ex-officio member.

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